03 June 2012

Weekend Warrior

This weekend I (re)learned 6 very important things...
1. I love spinning.
2. I love Yoga.
3. I suck at Yoga.
4. I love to run. 
5. I love to run in the rain. 
6. I am going to be sooooo sore when I wake up tomorrow!

I was finally able to strap on my band new shoes and rock out a couple of spin classes :) I have been spinning with he same instructor for a while now but man did he turn up the intensity this weekend! I love it when those who inspire me get inspired! 

Next up was a super cool event hosted by a clothing store that I stalk.  Our local Lululemon hosted Glow Yo... I'd never heard of it either but think night club, glow sticks, a DJ and three kick-booty Yoga gurus and you've got Glow Yo! I apologize that the pictures aren't great but bad lighting and a super old iPhone (think first generation, yeah I know) do not make for awesome photos! 

The coolest part were the teams from AcroYoga Boston...

After 90 minutes of sweating my butt off I realized that I am so not flexy or bendy but it was so fun, even though I total suck at yoga I really had a great time.  I've tried yoga in the past but schedules and life kept getting in the way but I might be compelled to swap a bootcamp or spin class for yoga.  We shall see. 

My weekend was completed with a 5k for a great cause (no pictures of the run because I was busy, well, running!).  This is the 4th year in a row I have run this race and I love to see it getting better and bigger every year.  This year the sponsors and swag bags were awesome!  It was misting out when the race started and eventually there was a very short down pour.  I haven't run in about a month and didn't realize how much I missed it.  My time was in the crapper as I am nursing a nagging little ankle issue but I loved it and I loved it even more when the rain came down! 

I stood up halfway through writing this post and man oh man did my body let me know what it thought of all of my out of the ordinary exploits from the last 2 days.  I will absolutely be paying for all of this tomorrow!

Hope your weekend was wonderful!
Leah :)