So despite a minor snafu towards the end I think I was pretty successful with my September quest. I actually got a lot of wish list projects started, finished some that were outstanding and really enjoyed looking back through past projects. I also think this month has helped me get a little smarter with planning things out and using my craft time more wisely. In looking through my stash (I only really shared a fraction of it) I also learned that I might need to set a budget for myself and start to buy only the things I need. During this process I was able to put together a box of supplies for donation; full of things that I know I will realistically never do but will bring someone else a lot of joy.
Now my goal for better photography is still a work in progress. I need to spend a little more time getting to know my camera and maybe spend a little time reading up on photography in general. I also tend to take a lot of my pictures at night, now that fall has arrived that means after the sun is gone so I need to get better at working during the daylight.
What stood out the most for me was that the things I was most excited to share with you were things that people had made just for me. I was second most excited about things I was making for others. I have so many things started that I intend to keep for myself (especially now that I have moved and need to redecorate) but those didn’t jump to the front of my mental line when I was trying to think of what to share.
While this was a fun experiment it was really stressful, posting everyday was a struggle and sometimes I felt like I was posting just to meet the goal. I know I shouldn't have because really if I don't put my heart into writing it why would anyone want to read it... but in the end I am happy with what I shared and what I was able to get planned with this month's help. I know this is something I won’t repeat anytime soon but it was a great learning experience.
What made this September special for you?
As always, thanks for stopping in and taking the time to visit my little corner of the web!