15 November 2012

The swap is here, the swap is here!!

Lets get this out of the way, I am sorry for the long absence but I had a ton going on and just needed to focus on a few other things.  I'm back, I promise!

Even though the month was busy I did get a few little things done, including my uber-cute-if-I-do say-so-myself pincushion for the Modern Quilt Guild Swap.  You may recall I first mentioned this a little ways back but its finally here! Saturday the 17th is when my guild meets next and thats when these little guys will get sent to new, stitch lovin' homes. 

Say hello to my little friend!
Truth be told I have mixed feelings about letting my little guy go.  I am super happy with the way it turned out and sort of don't want to part with it.  On the other hand, I know all of the other guild members probably put just as much hard work and love into their pieces so I can't wait to see what shows up in my mailbox. 

I backed it with a spare charm square.  One of my favorites, Neptune by Tula Pink!

 Strangely enough his pattern was meant for coasters.  I found the pattern as I was thumbing through my copy of Cross-Stich and Needlework and to me it immediately looked like a modern quilt.  
I hope the recipient likes it!!

I have a couple of other WIPs that are no longer WIPs to share but those will come a little later!

Thanks for swinging through, 
Leah ~ :)