This morning I woke up excited for the day. Marathon Monday has for a long time been one of my favorite days of the year. I have posted in the past about my love of the Marathon, how I love the history and the excitement. I love watching the elite runners just glide along the course with beautiful grace and a composure that makes it seem effortless. I love seeing how many put their bodies through the grueling task to support so many different charities and I cheer them on from start to finish. This year was no exception but in the midst of that triumph and that joy a coward stepped out of the crowd and took the breath out of my chest and the jubilation out of my heart.
I am deeply saddened and absolutely heartbroken over what happened on Boylston Street this afternoon. My thoughts and prayers are with those who were caught in the horror and confusion of the day. My heart aches for the runners who had their dreams crushed and I felt the panic and uncertainty of those that spent hours trying to connect with loved ones during the aftermath (thankfully I found out pretty quickly that those I knew watching, volunteering and running we're all safe and unharmed). I wish those injured a speedy recovery and peace. Most importantly my deepest sympathies and condolences go out to those who lost a loved one.
What I would also like to say is thank you to those who ran towards the danger in order to help, the volunteers, the medical staff, the first responders, the officers of the Boston Police Department, the National Guardsmen, the spectators in the crowd, the runners (especially those that veered off course straight to the hospitals in order to give blood - that really is an act that can save a life and make a difference). It reminds me of a quote that I stumbled over a long while ago that has always stuck with me...“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, "Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping."― Fred Rogers (I loved Mr Rogers as a kid). With so much ugliness and hate in the world today it is nice to know that there will always be people who are helping.