22 April 2012

Thank goodness they are only out of state!

Trouble is a brewing!

So this year a co-worker and I decided to make a pilgrimage to Fort Wayne Indiana to partake in the annual Vera Bradley outlet sale.  Guess I should start by saying this is not an endorsement of any kind I just really love Vera, like to the point where I fly half way across the country to go to the sale.  Anyhoo, the real story here is not the massive amounts of Vera I just acquired but the side trip I made while recovering from the massive amounts of Vera I just acquired.  More to come on the Vera later :)

Big event for a crafty lady like myself (or at least I felt it was big), I visited Hobby Lobby for the very first time! Wooo! Talk about a craft store on steroids!  Normally I haunt Michael’s, AC Moore and Jo-Ann’s with my coupons in hand begging for my favorites to go on sale but Hobby Lobby is totally foreign to me.  We just don’t have them in Massachusetts, very sad I know.  I walked away with as big a stash as my very, very full luggage would allow and everything I bought was cheaper (even after tax) than what I normally pay in this area and I was able to pull up their weekly coupon right on my phone to boot!  The staff was great, the store was super clean and organized and the cashier asked me to keep talking (asking me where I pahk my cah…gee I wonder why?!?!) Needless to say my crafty adventure made me very happy. 

Lookie what I got!

 See already in use! Go me!

Like I didn’t have enough projects in the works I just had to use my floss and hoop right away. It is a sickness! I finally got around to using Aimee Ray's Doodle Stitching Motif Collection book and got a practice piece out of the way.  Yipee Skipee!

Thanks for stopping by!
Leah :)

16 April 2012

The Red Coats are coming...with a tutorial?

“Listen my children and you shall hear, of the midnight ride of Paul Revere”  
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

So here in the Boston area today is a very special day, Patriots’ Day. A day when we take the time to commemorate the anniversary of the Battles of Lexington and Concord, the first battles of the American Revolutionary War, fought on April 19, 1775.  As if celebrating one of the defining moments in American history wasn’t enough we also have the privilege of cheering on some of the world’s greatest runners during the annual running of the BAA’s Boston Marathon.  The Boston Marathon is the world's oldest annual marathon, has been recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records and has always been held on the same day that Patriots Day has been observed. In 1969 when the holiday was officially moved from whatever day April 19th fell on to the third Monday in April so was the MarathonMarathon Monday was born!

Crazily enough the distance of the Marathon also has a little bit of British in the mix (or so the rumor says).  The original Olympic marathon distance of 24.8 miles was tied to the Greek legend of foot soldier Pheidippides but in 1908 during the London games per the wishes of King Edward VII and Queen Alexandria the distance was lengthened to allow the Royal family to view the start of the race from Windsor Castle.  26 miles was the distance between Windsor Castle and Olympic Stadium and 385 yards around the track were added so the runners would finish in front of the king and queen’s royal box.  To comply with Olympic standards the Boston Marathon also became a 26 mile 385 yard race.

I have always loved the Marathon, even before I started running myself.  Whether I was watching it on TV like millions of others or standing somewhere along the course with the 500,000 other spectators cheering the runners on as a grad student at Boston College the stories of heartbreak, triumph and sheer strength of character have always moved me in ways I could never truly put into words.  John Kelley, Ellison Tarzan Brown and the story of Heartbreak Hill, Roberta Gibb starting from the bushes in 1966, the physical attempts at forcing Katherine Switzer out of the race in 1967, Bill Rodgers claiming four titles, 1982’s ‘Duel in the Sun’ between Alberto Salazar and Dick Beardsley,  Joan Benoit’s world-best time finish for win number two, the record making performances of Moses Tanui (2:07:34), Joseph Chebet (2:07:37), and Gert Thys (2:07:52) and of course the amazing  team of Dick and Rick Hoyt. Its 116 year history is littered with amazing moments so it is fitting to me that it is shared with a day where the true spirit of the American Patriot is remembered.

For me for the past few years Marathon Monday has been a 5 mile road race that starts and ends on the very same Lexington Battle Green that Paul Revere rode through during the wee hours of that April morning so long ago. I run my race, crossing the finish line just in time to hear the finish of the Marathon on the radio.  This year I figured I would throw in a little added bonus,
the tutorial for my Race Medal Display.

 Rectangle shaped plaque 
 Paint for your background color (I used what I had lying around)
 Blackboard paint in whatever color works with your background
 Painters Tape (unless you have a super steady hand)
 Paint or sponge brushes
 Screw in hooks (I call them cup hooks)
 A picture hanger
 Ruler and pencil
 Chalk and your favorite running quote.

 First, take your base and sand it down if needed.  Once ready give it a nice coat of paint, two if you need to! Let your base dry.
Using your ruler and pencil, measure out your ‘chalkboard space’ and mark the dimensions with a light pencil line.  I chose to use the top half as my space so when hanging the medals wouldn’t be in the way. 

Using the pencil line as a guide, mask off the area to prep it for your blackboard paint.  Fill in your area with your blackboard paint and let it dry.  

Now for your hooks!  On the bottom half of your plaque mark little x’s where you would like your hooks to be placed, making sure the rows off-set for better displaying.  The number of hooks will vary based on the number of medals you have or the number of races you plan to run.  
I say dream big so add a few extra hooks!

Flip your board over and attach you picture hanging bracket.  Depending on the type you choose, the number of medals you have and/or the weight of your medals you might want to use two; one in each corner for secure hanging.

Flip your board back over and screw in all of your hooks.  Take your chalk and on your blackboard write in your favorite quote, the date of your next race or whatever motivates you! Hang that bad Larry up for the world to see and place your medals on the hooks.

The last and final step is to sit back, grab a Sam Adams ‘Adams Boston 26.2 Brew’ and as Joan Benoit Samuelson said ‘Recognize your victories’! Now, not only do you have a way to keep your medals from languishing in a box in your closet you also have a way to display the fruits of countless miles of training and hours of sore muscles.  


Thanks for swinging by, happy running!
:) Leah 

06 April 2012

Time to Lace 'em Up!

As I am gearing up towards road race season my training runs have told me something…I need new sneakers.  Normally this would not be such a big deal but this time around I am at a loss.  For the past three-ish years I have been running in Under Armor sneakers and I love them, love to the point where when I found out they were being ‘redesigned’ I went to the outlet and bought the last 3 pairs in my size.  I have been trying to keep my shoes alive with a rotation and insoles but alas my knees and shins have let me know the time has come to retire my loves. 

I waited very patiently for the ‘new version’ of my sneakers to come out and my suspicions were confirmed.  Boo! They are no longer the sneakers of my dreams! So now the quest begins and, for once, I am not looking forward to shoe shopping.

My discovery of these Under Armor sneakers came through a trial/survey program I used to belong to, I opened my secret package and there they were all shinny and new, ready to be tested and reviewed.  It was fate. In the past I have worked my way through Nike, New Balance, Adidas and Mizuno with no luck.  All I ended up with were blisters, shin splints, pain in my heel and a lot of time spent in line returning sneakers.  I am a neutral runner so I don’t need much in the way of bells and whistles but I am not so sure where to turn. 

Here comes the ah-ha moment…wait for it…wait for it…
Enter the John Hancock Sports and Fitness Expo. 
A.K.A the Marathon Expo.

Turns out I am a lucky girl when it comes to timing. Marathon Monday is fast approaching, 11 days away to be exact, and with that comes the weekend long swag-fest that is the expo.  Very proud to say I made out like a bandit last year and plan to do the same this year.  The clever folks at the BAA set up bib pick up within the convention center so you can’t help but be tempted to poke your head in and look around.  Then it happens, with your bib and t-shirt in hand you get sucked in to the aisles of nonstop awesomeness.  Shoes, clothes, drinks, snacks, accessories, trips, prizes, presentations, seminars, pamphlets and photo-ops, oh my!

I have run the BAA 5k in the past but am not running this year but I will still make my pilgrimage to the expo.  Who knows this year I might come home with some sweet new kicks!

Wish me luck!

01 April 2012

There is a First Time For Everything

Wow, check me out! I am a blogger! My very first post and it’s not even an April Fools’ joke! The truth of the matter is that I wanted to start this project a long time ago but never quite had the courage.  There are so many amazing blogs out there I was afraid mine wouldn’t measure up. Am I creative enough? Will people care about what I have to say? Do I even have something to say?  Let’s hope so!

I guess I should start by introducing myself.  I am the Leah in CallaLeah.  I am a thirty-something singleton that divides my time between my corporate job, my craft obsessions and my persuit of all things healthy and fit.  All crammed into my little craft room is a hoard that allows me to quilt, stitch, paper craft and create jewelry to my heart’s content.  I am always guilty of buying too much fabric, felt and floss but my hoard makes me happy so I will let it grow!

In the mixed media mayhem that is my craft room there is also a stack of magazines and a heap of hand weights that represents another side of me.  I am a gym rat, I openly admit it.  I am a spin addict, a treadmill junkie and a bootcamp fiend.  When I am not working or creating I am running, spinning and lifting my way to a happier healthier me. 

I figured April 1st was as good a day as any to start, especially since I have dropped my sewing machine off for service.  Kinda hard to sew with no sewing machine so for now its writing and hand stitching for me! There is so much I want to do here I almost don't know where to start; I guess I will leave it as just an introduction for now.

Very nice to meet you all and I hope you will stick around for a while :)