31 May 2012

It's the Little Things...

So that long weekend that I so enjoyed seems so, so very far behind me.  For such a short week at the cubicle cage the stress has been incredible.  The more I am faced with it the more I realize that I just don't handle stress very well.  I am in no way shape or form that person that can run around saying I live on and for stress, pressure does not make me more efficient.  Fortunately I have lots of projects waiting for me at home to distract me from all the stress that lives in my 8-5 work world.  

One of my most important projects is the wedding gift I am stitching for my brother and his soon to be wife.  They are getting married in about 3 weeks and I still have a lit of little stitches to go but I love how soothing the work is.  What's even better is now that summer is officially here I can sit and stitch on my back deck and peek at all the flowers and herbs in bloom :)

Stitches and blooms are my favorite stress relievers, what are yours?

Thanks for stopping by and smelling the roses ;)

28 May 2012

A Day to Remember

"Today is the day we put aside to remember fallen heroes and to pray that no heroes will ever have to die for us again. It’s a day of thanks for the valor of others, a day to remember the splendor of America and those of her children who rest in this cemetery [Arlington National Cemetery] and others. It’s a day to be with the family and remember."

A field of flags on The Boson Common

"We must always remember that peace is a fragile thing that needs constant vigilance. We owe them [Veterans] a promise to look at the world with a steady gaze and, perhaps, a resigned toughness, knowing that we have adversaries in the world and challenges and the only way to meet them and maintain the peace is by staying strong.
That, of course, is the lesson of this century, a lesson learned in the Sudetenland, in Poland, in Hungary, in Czechoslovakia, in Cambodia. If we really care about peace, we must stay strong. If we really care about peace, we must, through our strength, demonstrate our unwillingness to accept an ending of the peace. We must be strong enough to create peace where it does not exist and strong enough to protect it where it does. That’s the lesson of this century and, I think, of this day. And that’s all I wanted to say. The rest of my contribution is to leave this great place to its peace, a peace it has earned.
Thank all of you, and God bless you, and have a day full of memories."
~President Ronald Reagan, Arlington National Cemetery, Memorial Day 1986~
As I enjoy my 3-day weekend a short walk through the Boston Common early Sunday morning made me remember the reasons why I don't have to be at work today.  To all those who have served, who currently serve, who will serve in the future and especially to those who have made the greatest sacrifice and proved that freedom isn't free I thank you.
~ Leah   

26 May 2012

Happy Weekend!

Three day weekends are pretty rare for me so I am super excited about this one.  Amazingly enough I have no plans at all, nothing, zip, nada!! Thats even rarer, weekends have been so busy lately they almost don't feel like weekends.  I am very excited because I get all weekend to work on my many WIPs and just hang out. 

The weekend started off pretty awesome... New Kids On the Block on the spin track, new cycling shoes bought on sale and my order of washi tape arrived.  

What's better than that?!?!

Thanks for swinging through :)

20 May 2012

Celebration Sunday

Sunday is my favorite day of the week for so many reasons but every now and then my lazy Sunday goes haywire. Today was one of them! 

It started early and consisted of baking, wrapping, packing, traveling and most importantly family. I was able to put some of my newly tested recipes to work in order to celebrate with my brother and his fiancĂ© at their wedding shower. Fortunately we had lots of sunshine, great food and lots of company to complete the day. 

Even though I like a quiet Sunday today was an excellent day.

Hope your Sunday was wonderful!
Leah :)

18 May 2012

Confessions of a Crafter...

Ok, I will admit it! I am a bad block of the monther :(

Here is my track record…
January – Total rockstar! My blocks were done and posted with 2 weeks left to spare. Boom goes the dynamite!
February – Both blocks finished on time but due to poor fabric choices I only like one of them. Ugg!
March – Well…. I printed the pattern!
April – Um yeah, you get the idea…
May – Hahahaha! I have no idea why I am still typing.

So I need to get my booty back on track with these blocks. I would love to be all caught up by the end of May, but let’s face it I currently have about 11 Works in Progress not counting these quilt blocks. 
 Am I doomed to be forever unfinished?

Does anyone else have this mental defect? Why is it I love to start things, work on them but never really finish them? I mean, I own the patterns and the supplies it’s not like I can’t make another one once I finish the first!  I look around my work room and see all of these lovely things in the midst of being finished, I know exactly where I will hang them or who they will be given to when done but I just can’t bring myself to stitch that final stitch or snap the back on the frame.  The worst part is I keep looking for new projects; I have shelves full of books with tabs and stickies marking my next craftventure.  I am certifiable!

For the love of all things crafty let me just finish one!

Thanks for stopping in!
:) Leah

13 May 2012

Mother's Day Sunday

Happy Mother's Day!

This year I wanted to do something fun for my mom so I decided to play on the fact that I have a tattoo she doesn't approve of.  I always tell her I'm gong to get another one and she thoroughly disapproves.  I have been dropping hints that I was going to get one just for her and for Mother's day I did just that... with a little help from Jenny Hart and the Sublime Stitching Craft Pad!

A tattoo fit for a Mom!
I gathered up some supplies I had lying around, making sure to use bright springy colors and of course a little purple and got to work.  I traced the design on to a gold card I had using some carbon paper.  

I used a basic backstitch for the whole thing other than a few little bits here and there.  Man oh man stitching through card stock is a little more difficult than I thought says the girl who snapped two needles in the process .  Even so I am happy with my brand new tattoo!

My mom taught me just about everything I know about just about every kind of craft out there so I am grateful for her every day.  Today also happens to be my parents' 33rd wedding anniversary! Later today we will be meeting up with my grandmother and some of my aunts to have Mother's Day tea and cake.  

Now thats what I call a good Sunday! I hope you 
all enjoy yours!

Thanks for stopping by!
Leah :)

07 May 2012

What's in a Day...

Why can’t every day be like Sunday?

The older I get the more I realize just how much I love Sundays.  Even though my Sundays are never the same they always end up being my favorite day of the week. They are slow and full of time for my family and friends.  

There are no errands to be run or deadlines to be met, they are simple.  

Yesterday mine consisted of Cinnamon Raisin French Toast, testing a new recipe for baby cheesecakes, tea with my aunts and grandmother and a relaxing walk with a great friend through one of my favorite spots.  

My road less traveled :)

The view from my rope swing in my favorite spot :)

As summer approaches and the days are longer I love how I can fit so much in without feeling rushed. 

Hope your Sundays are wonderful!
:) Leah 

01 May 2012

What's In Your Bag...

I have seen these all over the place and I think they are super fun but since I don't usually carry a purse/bag with me I figured I wouldn't go there, until I was packing this past weekend... 

Every now and again I have to travel for work and being the budget conscious company they are I am not always booked into the ...well...five star hotels I would like. Now I am totally fine without fancy-smanshy sheets and complimentary spa treatments but what I can't live without is a gym.  I spend a lot of time at my gym and find it to be the best stress reliever after a really long day so to not have that outlet is just not an option for me. At home it's one thing, I know my neighborhood and have no problem finding something to do outside but in an unfamiliar town (and usually at night) its a no go.

I learned the hard way that not all hotels have them and even the ones that do should feel ashamed actually calling it a 'fitness center'!  Now you'd think that with all the hours I rack up in the gym improvising would be easy for me but noooope, took some work on my part which is why I decided I'd pack my own gym.  Totally TSA friendly and carry-on approved wrapped up in a little motivational wrapper :) 

So without further ado, here's what's in my bag! 

Jump rope - hello cardio! 
Resistance bands - muscle mama here I come! 
Glides - these little bad Larrys make my abs very angry and all you need is a hardwood or tile floor. 
 Socks - I have a horrible habit of remembering sneakers but forgetting socks when I pack, weird mental block of mine. 
Hair elastics and a headband - when I am a sweaty mess the last thing I need is hair in my face.

The only other thing I need is my trusty Tabata Timer app on my phone and off I go! 

Now any place I go has a gym :)
Yes, I am that crazy person running the back stairs in the hotel. 
Don't mind me, I will eventually tire my self out! 

Thanks for stopping in! 
Leah :)